
The EADV Honours and Awards Committee, under the chairpersonship of Prof. Asja Prohic, offers Scholarships consisting of complimentary registration, a travel stipend of 1000 EUR and a one-year EADV Membership for the 2026 calendar year.

Three scholarships are available, based on the geographical location of the applicants, and assigned to those participants travelling to Prague to attend the 2025 Symposium.


Pour assister à l’atelier de microscopie confocale aux Journées Dermatologiques de Paris Du 03 au 07 décembre 2024

The EADV Honours and Awards Committee, under the chairpersonship of Prof. Asja Prohic, offers scholarships consisting of complimentary registration, a travel stipend of 1000 EUR and a one-year EADV membership for the 2025 calendar year.

EADV Scholarships are only assigned to those participants travelling to Amsterdam to attend the Congress in person.

Cher(e) Collègue, Cher(e) Ami(e)
La Société Française de Dermatologie finance chaque année des stages d’observation en France dans un service Hospitalo-Universitaire de Dermatologie pour les internes en Dermatologie issus de pays francophones.
Douze bourses de 4 500 € chacune sont attribuées à des internes en Dermatologie issus d’un pays francophone, dont six spécifiquement proposées aux internes du Maghreb.
Ces bourses concernent des stages de 3 mois.

This scholarship offers Annual Meeting scholarships to dermatologists from low income economies, as specified below. The goal of the Strauss and Katz World Congress Fund Scholarship Program is to bring young dermatologists, including those still in training, to the AAD Annual Meeting for educational and networking opportunities.